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Louisiana landscape

Louisiana Clean Energy Complex

Air Products is developing a clean energy complex that creates hydrogen with little to no emissions during production. The project accelerates the future of clean energy as well as the economic development of local communities. Using technology called carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), 95 percent of the carbon emissions from the plant will be captured and stored deep underground.

Louisiana has announced its intention to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. By preventing CO₂ from entering the atmosphere, Air Products will lessen the greenhouse impact in Louisiana, allowing industries and the state to meet new emissions reduction goals — that, in turn, will save thousands of local jobs.

CCS is Safe and Effective

Carbon capture and sequestration has been used for more than 50 years, and there are approximately 30 permanent CO₂ sequestration wells in operation.

Stable Pore Space

More than 400 million metric tons of CO₂  (or about the equivalent of the emissions from 80 million cars) have already been placed in pore space worldwide. 

Safe Storage Far Below Water Tables

Carbon sequestration occurs deeper than a mile below the earth’s surface – well below water tables that are found at around 100 feet in Louisiana. The process is protective of drinking and other water supplies.


In addition to the extensive monitoring required of Air Products during sequestration, the company is required to monitor the area for 50 years after injection of CO₂ has ended. 

How It Works

The Louisiana Clean Energy complex will make Louisiana a leader in the United States' clean energy transition. The complex will produce more than 750 million standard cubic feet per day of blue hydrogen for Air Products’ pipeline customers along the Gulf Coast and blue ammonia for global hydrogen markets, including transportation and mobility.
Air Products LA Blue Hydrogen project schematic

Ideal Geology for CCS

Louisiana’s geology is among the best in the world for permanent CO₂  sequestration. Specifically, the geologic pore space located a mile under
Lake Maurepas is the ideal kind of rock to safely store CO₂. 
Testing is underway right now to confirm these characteristics before any CO₂ is stored in the pore space.
Air Products will monitor the well 24/7 to ensure there are no leaks
Rock formation in pore space is covered by caprock. Caprock acts as a seal to make sure the CO₂ is not released back into the atmosphere.

Reach our Louisiana-based project team.

Air Products is committed to open and continuous engagement with residents, local governments, and civic and community organizations.

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